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When we started our ministry in Singapore, Pastor Butch and I had many opportunities to travel and visit churches in and around the region as part of our regional work in Asia and Oceania. In those visits, not only did we do what was close to our hearts in fulfilling the Great Commission, but we were able to see also the need to make discipleship the arching principle of every church. Not just among adults but among children as well.


It is urgent to take the call to teach the next generation about the precepts and loves for the Lord in order that the next generation can have a second chance to live lives worthy of God. It is our responsibility as a church and with parents as our partners, together we can create a huge impact on raising little disciples for Jesus, built to face the pressures of life and equipped to serve the Lord and their communities. 


Let us take up the challenge to devote ourselves to changing the way we do ministry for the future of our children. Let us not allow the Children’s Ministry to fade away and die. But let us make every effort to WINK (WIN KIDS) for God.

Manju Bharwani Yu

WINK Pastor


The WINK stands for its mission to WIN kids for God and to prepare them to live for God in this generation. God knew that children are open to being shaped. They are open to God’s Spirit, God’s law, and God’s unchangeable love. Reaching and teaching the children of our cities is in direct obedience to God’s direction in His Word. Our church, Word International Ministries-Singapore have a distinctive position to declare God’s blessing for children. We are charged with an essential theological foundation and grounded with a Biblical mandate; our church is called to reach out to the next generation.



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