One realization we had in WIN-SQ is the fact that the Christian journey is not done alone. It is done in the company of believers. And what the world needs is true and authentic fellowship. The sheer number of church members and attendees on Sunday makes your fellowship short and most often shallow.
Bearing these things in mind we endeavor to group together in more meaningful fellowship through our small groups which we meaningfully refer to as KOINONIAS. A Greek term for ‘fellowship’ which the New Testament churches had. Here we desire to mimic what the home churches in the Book of Acts showed, they had authentic fellowship where people felt that they belong to a small group of believers and to the church as a whole.
It was a great avenue to introduce the person to the concepts of the Christian faith as well as having burden bearers in your midst as you travel your journey into becoming more like Christ. It was more than a handshake or a pat in the back. Koinonia is where you display genuine love and acceptance, care and compassion, support, and forgiveness as characterized by Christ when He walked on earth.
Today, we have Koinonias in the East, North, West, and the City area of Singapore. We continue to form groups where homes are opened for the study of the word and for relationships to be forged. We will continue to dream to put a KOINONIA in every major MRT Station. And as the stations increase so do our Koinonia Groups.