Our Story
Word International Ministries, Singapore is also known as WIN-SQ started in 1984 when Elder Raymond Lim of the Church of Singapore - Balestier (COS-B) attended a Full Gospel Businessman Convention in Manila. There, he met Pastor Chito of Word for the World-Cebu. After a miraculous correspondence between them, the first visit to Singapore was made with a team of faithful workers who shared the same burden to reach out to the Filipino community in Singapore.
Such was the birth of the Filipino Congregation of COS-B known as the “Filipino Celebration of Joy” in 1989. Headed by Elvie Siniel and her team of faithful servants, together with the oversight of Elder Chan Koon and his wife Pei- Pei, they continued to reach out to the many Overseas Filipino Workers in Singapore. Thus, the intent to strengthen the small budding church, Marcia Anderson joined in to help 1992.
In July 1993, the church became a legal branch of the COS-B as the first Filipino branch church in Singapore and they bore the name Word for the World Christian Fellowship (WWCF)
Due the growing economy of Singapore, many families were arriving and the church needed a full-time pastor to lead the church to the new challenges she faces. So in May 1994, Pastor Gerry Holloway, the Senior Pastor of WWCF commissioned Pastor Butch and Manju Yu to lead the church in Singapore in 1993 and is currently doing so now.
In less than a year, the 30 regular attendance grew to about 100. New families were added, new ministries were birthed and the Lord added more each year as the church continues to connect people to God. With this new vision and frontier, the church has incorporated a new name and is currently known as the WORD INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES SINGAPORE (WIN-SQ)
Today, WIN-SQ has become a regional hub of the Word International Ministries for Asia and Oceania. WIN-SQ, with the help of the Lord, has empowered faithful workers to pastor churches around and beyond the region. Churches were planted in Hong Kong, South Korea, Myanmar, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand.
WIN-SQ is committed to the Great Commission given by Jesus to His followers in Matthew 28:19-20. With the faithful partnership of the COS-B and the faithful oversight of Elder Wong Man Chiang and their Board of Directors, WIN-SQ continues to connect people to God and inspire leaders to serve in Asia and beyond.